Monday, November 17, 2008

Things I re-learned today

Slow down, Enjoy each moment, Breathe. Be thankful. Breathe between each thankful thought. Pay attention to each thing that happens each moment, and breathe. Things are better than we think they are. There are ways to do things differently so that we recognize the blessings in the moments. If something isn't working for us, changes it. Do it differently and you will see it differently. Oh, and don't forget to breathe... slow, deep breaths.
I oftentimes go through the tasks of the day so mindlessly that I don't remember a bit of it... I'm choosing now to do it differently and remember it.


Anonymous said...

did you mentione breathe? cause that's important - I totally agree - breathing helps me when dealing with huge classes of screaming kindergarteners.

Nettie said...

I do everything that way too. I needed to read this.

Stephanie said...

That makes me happy, I need a reminder every now and then to Breathe, and enjoy things more. Thanks!