Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Oh bummer..

Today's confession is that Scott (and I) got me a camera for Christmas... A good one! And I didn't even let him wrap it. I kept it out so I could use it! I LOVE IT!! I have gotten some awesome pictures in the last couple of days but I didn't bring the cords to put them on the computer!! That's the bummer.

The funny thing about this post is that Stephanie thinks that I am silly for writing again. Lots of people post every day, why can't I? I think it's fun! In fact I really enjoy it.

I wish I could put up some pictures of the cabin, stringing popcorn and cranberrys, our little tree that Carter chopped down today and the snow slide we built. It's been a great day! Now on to making cookies for Santa and Christmas eve PJ's!

Good night everyone and have a great Christmas!

1 comment:

Nettie said...

It sounds so wonderfully old-fashioned, dream Christmas. I'm so glad you're making it happen. Congratulations on the CAMERA!