Sunday, April 19, 2009

Up Late

I'm up late pondering life and the persuit of happiness!
I am teaching Relief Society for the first time tomorrow (well actually today, since it's past mid-night...). I'm nervous, but I'm not too worried about it. I am just filling in for someone, but it would be a great calling if you ask me!
Anyway, just feeling the need to check in since I haven't done it in a long time. I miss sharing my life on my blog. I always think I don't have anything to share, but if I thought for a second about I'm sure I could come up with plenty!
Live is good, God is great!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

General Conference

I got a rare opportunity to listen to Conference this time by myself. When does that ever happen? Never! As I sat listening to the Prophet and to the General Authorities, I found myself agreeing with the things being spoken, feeling much joy and gratitude for our Savior, the church and our Prophet and leaders. I am grateful and feel blessed to be a member of this great church.

I miss my family, they went to the cabin for spring break while I stayed home to take care of things with the house. But I am grateful for this time I have had to reflect on myself and my testimony. The time has been peaceful and I feel I have grown this weekend.

There are so many areas I fail and fall short in, in this life. There are so many things I need to continue to work on. It can often be overwhelming to me. Keeping life in perspective is paramount in my growth. We aren't asked to be perfect in this life, but to keep trying our best and then let the Atonement fill the areas that we have not mastered. Such an important thing for me to remember! I am hard on myself and too often forget to turn to the Savior for his help and support.

So a re-commitment is in order for me. To recommit to the gospel and the small things we are asked to do that I let slide. I know that through the Lord and His gospel I will find more joy and peace in my life.

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's about time for an update!

Well it's about time I do a blog and update those who actually look at the blog about our family! Right now I should be painting walls, but I am in the mood to blog so blog it is!

My wonderful family has left (at my request) to go to the cabin in Arizona for the last week of spring break. I wanted to stay behind and focus on the house and getting things done so when they return we will be closer to having some living space! It's been many weeks now without a kitchen and even more weeks without a bathroom and it's getting kinda old!

So I'll share some pictures... Double click if you want a closer view.

Melanie has fed us a couple of Sunday's since we have no kitchen. These are the kids lineing up for FOOD! Common event when we get together! And I decided to add one of Carter with one of Melanie's kitties cause he's cute!

This is the Kitchen area with the raised ceiling. I have primed it but no paint yet. We have lots of can lights and they look dumb as holes... I hope it doesn't look so bad when it is all done and lit nicely.

This is the nook before it was textured and primed. I just wanted to show you how much bigger it is, and you can see the door to the pantry too. I used two of our old window's and got a new big one because ours didn't open anymore.

This picture is kinda of confusing, but it tells lots of stories...
It shows the area we have for a kitchen now... basically the refridgerator and freezer and then the messy desk area! Then you can see the transition from the raised ceiling in the kitchen to the dineing area. You can also see the doorway to the pantry and the pantry door to the outside! Kinda cool huh?

This just got done today... at the last minute we decided to finish our laundry room while this whole project was going on because they drywallers could do it faster and better than we could later... So! here it is. We painted and got cheap tiles from HD and our friend laid them today, tomorrow he will grout. The paint is just left over from painting the garage, so not my favorite color, but it matched the tile! We are moving the plumbing to the back which I think is AWESOME! I think it will help with the mess that always piles in the middle of the room! And that means I get a sink in our laundry room!!! That is the best part!

And... This is Leisa and I this morning after painting! I don't know why she was laughing so hard.. I promise I didn't do anything. (cute, inocent face... wink, wink)

Well, that's it! We are working a lot and I am stressing a bit less. It is exciting and at this point I see a little glimmer at the end of the tunnel! I have been waiting for this for years and planning as long! I think it will all turn out nicely.

Work is still going well and we are always trying to do new things and try new ways to keep work. I almost said "to grow" but at this point it is all about keeping the work we have! Growth would be nice, but you take what you can get in this economy!!!

I'll touch base again when I have half a brain! :)