Sunday, April 19, 2009

Up Late

I'm up late pondering life and the persuit of happiness!
I am teaching Relief Society for the first time tomorrow (well actually today, since it's past mid-night...). I'm nervous, but I'm not too worried about it. I am just filling in for someone, but it would be a great calling if you ask me!
Anyway, just feeling the need to check in since I haven't done it in a long time. I miss sharing my life on my blog. I always think I don't have anything to share, but if I thought for a second about I'm sure I could come up with plenty!
Live is good, God is great!

1 comment:

Rosalyn Francis said...

Hi friend...

sorry I haven't been blogging in forever! Ok, only about 6 weeks, but it feels like forever!

your house is coming along and yes, I totally get needing some quiet and space to get organized. Don't discount the upheaval of the process, even as thrilling as it will be with all the new, beautiful space. Love ya girl! You're doing great... keep going!