Monday, July 19, 2010

Roughing it.

Sad to say but roughin it for me is NO hookups at the campground! Or how about no public showers? Yep, I had to shower in the trailer with water we hauled from Apple Valley! Life can really be rough sometime! I mean that shower is really tiny. You know?

Today consisted of a trip to the lake for some, with swimming, paddeling rafts, watching two cute puppies frolic through the water, and various lake activities. Throw in some bike riding with a few skinned knees and sad faces, and lots and lots of smiling faces. Family home evening from grandma Noh and rootbeer floats from.great grandma Wilcox! It was a good day. Im hoping for a little less heat tomorrow, but that's normal. A few less mosquotios
would be nice as well!

1 comment:

Nettie said...

I love this! Yea for updates! The average, everyday life is pretty fun to read, but vacations are more funner.