Friday, March 11, 2011

Dear Marina

Dear Marina,CA,

It's flattering that friends and family enjoy my blog, or at least look at it every once in a while so I don't feel like I am writing to no one... But,I can't figure out who you are. So, if I know you please reveal yourself.

I understand it if I don't know you. I mean, I blogstock every once in a while too. But, it may be getting a bit serious. For a couple of days now you've been hanging around. You have been to my friends sites too, and frankly it's starting to freak me out a bit.

Please feel free to tell me I'm crazy and that you're my long lost cousin. I'd love to visit or something. I need a good trip to the northern coast! We can really connect out in the open.

Sincerely, your loving novice blogger,

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