Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Sweetness

The best thing that happened all day happened just as the closing song of Sacrament meeting was near it's end. During the song I asked Brodric, who had been clingy through the whole meeting, to please sit down on the bench. His sister had taken his seat while he enjoyed jumping around on my lap. So when I asked him to sit on the bench during the closing song he wasn't happy. He crawled under the bench in front of us and laid his head on his older sister's sunday bag. That's when I noticed it, I thought I saw his little mouth moving to the music. Could that be? Was my stubbern, sweet, head strong little boy singing the hymn? As I looked a littler closer to check it out my heart warmed. He was, he was singing the hymn! His little lips forming the words, "Lord, I would follow Thee."


Stephanie said...

what a sweet little experience, he is a good boy! And as far as your blog goes, I miss it too, you need to try harder to keep it up. I love your island, i'm so looking forward to seeing the finished project, I know it will be beautiful!

Heather Momma said...

I really enjoyed Kendals (sp?) talk. She did such a good job, it was fun to be up there with her.