Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Small Southern Towns

Wouldn't you love to take a drive through little old southern towns? That's just what we did today, enjoying the beautiful porches on every home from small to large. Brick streets. Neat old southern churches of every kind. Wonderful accents! Trees with moss hanging everywhere. I wish we would of gotten pictures of everything, but we only got a few. Oh, and one of the coolest things of the day was a little deli called The Scoop that we ate at. It was so cute and had so much character. The owner was really nice and shared a little bit of her history with us. I enjoyed it a ton. I love to find places like that. If I could I'd love to spend lots of time driving around these little towns finding treasures like The Scoop. Taking pictures and antiquing! Today we really didn't have much time at all. We saw a lot but couldn't stop much. Every time we would drive by an antique shop I wanted so badly to stop!! My heart almost skipped a beat each time. But we really couldn't. And how would I bring the things home anyway? We couldn't carry it on a plane. We'd have to ship it. We thought that on Saturday if we have time we may try to find some antiquing around the beach cities. It won't be nearly as good as the old southern towns, but better than not at all.
Beautiful in every way!
Nearly every house has a porch in Thomasville, GA. It is so great! Small houses, old houses, ugly houses. It's great!!
Look at the moss on this tree. Look at the size of this tree. Cool!
Streets covered with trees are awesome. In the spring or when the leaves are on the trees this one would be all shadowed over. It's beautiful.
This was a really huge church. I didn't get close enough.
I had to add the LDS church
The Scoop. The dang cutest deli/icecream place ever!
So authentic, so southern. Nothing commercial or cookie cutter about it!     

Brick streets. They are everywhere. Love them! Brick is abundant in the south. Everything is made out of brick.
 And then there's the weird! This is Enterprise, AL where they have a monument to the boll weevil.  Why? I don't know. I don't think they really know. Just strange. But funny!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing these wonders, Billie. When you see a house, the first thing that you'd notice is the porch. It is the one that enhances the beauty of the exterior. And also, the one that speaks the personality of the homeowner. The wider it is, the more friendly the owner is.
