Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I know, I know, I've been missing for several weeks... It's been so busy in my life... I'll have to post pictures after I get back to California, because right now I'm still in Arizona at our cabin. But get ready, because there was the piano recital, a week at girls camp and a week and a half at the cabin. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures and stories to share. Stay tuned. We'll be back at the beginning of next week.

For those who care, Scott's parents are going on a mission, (most will know that) and they left today to drive the 5th wheel up. They report to the MTC on the 30th. I have added their blog to my list of friends. They are going to keep a mission blog. I'm glad about that.

Soo...... I'll see ya sometime!


Stephanie said...

ok MIA get on the ball now and post! Love ya!

Rach =o) said...

Can't wait to see your pics, I noticed Steph didn't post any of the trip to the cabin. Hurry I'm impatient.....=0P