Saturday, January 31, 2009

I lost my glasses

It's true. I can't see, much but this much I know... I'm alive! I need to let everyone know I am alive! We all are. You wouldn't know it from looking at my blog. It's just that things have been so busy. I miss blogging. I miss sharing my life. I miss taking pictures. But I still have a lot to say, so keep hopeing for a post soon.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vitamin Shoppe

Yesterday I took all my vitamins! I had my fish oil, big horse pills of the good stuff and a little oil pill of vitamin E.

Yesterday I also drank over 60 oz. water!

Yesterday I didn't even have a Diet Coke. At lunch I traded it for a Pomegranate Grapefruit SoBe drink...

So I'm healthy now! Yay me!

Last night... I had a HUGE headache!

Today I'm off to get the 'ol DC!!! I need it! I can not have a headache today!

But never fear, I still pushed all those vitamins in me! I think the horse pill will off set the Diet Coke. Maybe the Fish Oil will do it?

Now I'm off to work, I have to hire someone.

I have so much to blog, I'll do it soon I swear!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

blogging the night away

Oh my gosh... I'ts 2:34 in the morning and I am up reading blogs.... There are some really neat blogs out there and some really neat people. It makes me want to be better... I guess that's good, right?

But don't think this is all my night was... No, my best friend and I went out shopping and hanging out and then we went to our favorite resturant and enjoyed a great meal together. He is an awesome guy, and he really loves me... Heaven!

Friday, January 16, 2009

This is a good day

I shouldn't be writing because I need to be getting out of the house, but I needed to take a minute to say that today is a good day! January 16th... The day I was married to Scott 17 years ago, and the day I gave birth to Carter 13 years ago. It's a double whammy!

I'm grateful to have found a man like Scott and I'm grateful for the person he is. How did I get so lucky? He was at a big stake meeting last night and he said "I felt so humbled to be with all those men". That's the kind of guy Scott is! The good kind!

And we, (the entire family) are so blessed to have Carter in our family. If you know him you know what I mean. He brings a whole other demension to US that is undescribeable! Kendahl calls him "the prodigy", I'm just happy to call him son.

This is a really good day!

Monday, January 12, 2009

tiny missing tooth

I did my hair all nice, but they still kicked me off the island

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful... Maybe I just didn't fit in any longer. Actually it was just my time to go. (I know, it doesn't make any sense, but all that randomness just came out of my head!) After 4+ years in the YW program they released me today. It was a bitter sweet time. I love teaching the Mia Maids and loved interacting with them, but I knew it was coming. I mean after four years you have to expect it at some time right? So, I gave my last lesson about the Atonement of Christ and it went wonderfully. The girls were really nice, sweet this one last time. Besides if I didn't get out now there wouldn't of been enough time between now and when I have to go in again when Baillie is in YW!

Now for the facebook people... I let on earlier in the week that I was going to the place of fire and brimstone... well, they tried to give me another calling. I'm not going to mention what it was because every calling is awesome and worthy of having the best to fufill it, but evil as I am I said...... no. I know, I know it is just unheard of and unacceptable in the church, but you know what, some callings just weren't meant for some people, and this calling WASN'T FOR ME. If you think less of me, well then I am sorry for that, but take a lesson from my dad, he found out because of a "squeaky wheel" and I'm sure he is going to get over it and love me again any time now... If he tells my mom it'll be all over for sure. So find a reason to love me despite my inability to take on something that would put several nails in my coffin! I'm sure you will.

Things I have missed mentioning this week... Brodric lost his first tooth! I should of called everyone because it was a big deal, but I just don't have the time! Funny thing was we didn't even know it was loose! He bit into an apple and there it was, shocking me, but mostly shocking himself!! It was fun to play tooth fairy with him. He is a sweet blessing to me! He is super cute with one tooth missing.

Along the lines of teeth, Kendahl had braces put back on this week! She got them off right before Thanksgiving and when I would look at her my first thoughts were, "your teeth are crooked"! So you know what I did? I took her back and gave that orthadontist a what for! Actually I didn't have to shout too loud at all. He knew when I mentioned it. It's hard to describe just where they weren't right, but believe me they weren't. No complaints from Kendahl (thankfully) and now I'll get what I paid for! :)

Now speaking of Kendahl... (sorry, this is getting so long!) She tried out and made it into a group called Shenanigans. It is a singing, acting group. She also got a role in their first production of the year. A play called Nick Danger. We are super proud of her and she is tickled!!

So I've come up with a menu for this week... Pick your jaw up now, I haven't executed it yet, just written it down. It was forced on me because I signed up to bring a casserole to a family who's father had died. I knew if I didn't write it on my calendar and plan it I would surely forget. So after I wrote one meal down I said, "what the heck, let's try for two," then three, then more! The meal I have planned for tomorrow night might not work. I knew I should of never started in the first place! Who was I to think I could actually plan a week worth of meals and then follow through?

Tomorrow the kids start back to school, I am hopeing the routien gets me out of bed before 9am! It sure hasn't gotten me to bed before midnight! But seriously, I have high hopes for the new schedule! As long as the hopes stay high something might actually be accomplished! To think... Good luck if anyone else is trying to stick to the resolves... I know how you are feeling!

P.S. If you're reading this because you like me or just because you are blogstocking, leave a comment, it makes me smile!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The real post for the day

Clara Baillie has been blessed with some really good friends. They do everything together and play full force... often! It's fun to watch them and the joy they bring to each other. So the other day I went outside and found this. I thought it was so awesome! The perfect day all scheduled out so they wouldn't forget a thing! It reminded me of my lists and notes all over trying to schedule my own days. If it were just this simple... (Don't forget to double click on the picture to see it big. Then you can read the list.)

Lastnight they had a slumper party. They were supposed to get to bed by 10pm, but it wasn't till after midnight that they went to bed and the first ones were up at 5 something... Ahhhh. But here they are playing and enjoying each other! Cute girls!

This is the latest obsession around here. Well it has been for a year or so now, but now Brodric has his own DS so it is even more. The only thing better than a DS is Club Penguine for DS! Club Penguine is an online game they ALL LOVE! Now they have it for their DS's... What a wonderful world...

Am I?

Am I the only one who has those kinds of days? The kind of day where you have no energy, the kind of day that you just don’t want to do it!? Yesterday was one of those days. (Even though part of the day I had to keep moving, the rest was a bust!) I wanted to blog about it but I figured I had better not because it just wouldn’t of been worth reading. But now that I’m on to another day, a better day, I just want to say… Damn that PMS… Oops! what I really wanted to say is if you’re having one of those days, you’re not alone! We all have them and you’ll get through it!

I read the blog of a girl named Angie. Angie is an angel. She is an inspiration to me nearly daily! Her blog is 99% positive! Some day I’m going to be a blogger like Angie who can uplift you and make you feel like a million bucks even if you don’t know me or I you. But for today, I can just say I understand and keep your eyes up, it will get better. Could you just remind me of that every once in a while! :) And by the way, if you want a smile, take a look at Angie’s blog.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Deep Thoughts

I have to post something so that expectations post will go away... Nothing has come to my mind as being worthy of being posted about all day. Well, maybe a few things, but we'll save them for later...

So here are some deep thoughts by Jack Handey. They really make you think!

I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend.

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

It's sad that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of wild dogs.

It's funny that pirates were always going around searching for treasure, and they never realized that the real treasure was the fond memories they were creating.

Ok, so did you see yourself in these deep thoughts? I thought so!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Expectations vs Choices

I gave up high expectations of myself long ago… Or I thought I had until I started expecting so much of myself…

This season was sort of a blur in a way. I haphazardly put up my decorations; every couple of days or so I would add to them. I never did complete the traditional decorations I usually take pride in. The cozy feeling of the house covered in Christmas never quite got there. The smell of Christmassy candles burning only happened 2 or 3 times. I love Christmas music, yet as the days passed so quickly I would forget to play songs of the season. Only a few CD’s were even played from my collection of great Christmas music.

Any free time was spent on making a list and checking it twice. Most of the gifts to friends were given and weather it came with a song or just came with the rush of a door bell and a drop, at least they were given.

I really did put a lot of thought into the people I gave to. It may not have seemed like it when I didn’t put any personal notes on the cards, or didn’t make time to talk with people much as I was dropping a gift, the giving did come with thought and love. I love getting cards and letters from friends and family, that was (and always is) a source of joy for me!

Christmas is gone. Today (now a couple days ago) we packed it all away. We put away the decorations, filled the attic with the bright colors, the packages, boxes and bows. The stresses of getting the last things on the list, forgetting someone or something, and having sweets around constantly are gone and won’t be thought of again till next year.

As we put it all away and as I was working I thought, “It’s nice to get this out of the way…” What? What was that thought? It didn’t seem right. Why would I think that way about Christmas? The season I love so much? Why would I feel a burden from all of the joys of Christmas? It saddened me.

So the New Year ahead has begun. The regular routine of life is sounding pretty good. I am expecting things of myself that I hope I can come through with. I want better for my family. I want better for myself. I’ve thought a lot about it and it basically comes down to choices. I choose what I want for myself and my surroundings. If I choose lame, the out come is lame. So I will choose carefully.

I expect a lot of myself. If the choices I make disappoint me then I lose. The thing is that it really doesn’t matter. Expectations or not, what I choose to do and what I actually do are all that matters!

I think this year is going to be amazing! I am actually looking forward to 2009 and the things ahead. (I know, I’m already 3 days into it…) it has be a process in my mind to get myself to a place where I am ready to go through it, and write it down and commit my mind to making different choices.

If none of this makes sense to anyone else but me, that’s ok. It makes sense to me and that’s important. If you got to the end…I hope it was worth some of the time it took to get there. :)