Monday, August 31, 2009

Tough Times

Worry and concern fill my mind when I consider all the friends and loved ones in tough times right now. I wish I had the words to say that would make it all better for them. Hospital stays, mistery illness, marriages crumbleing, loss of jobs and homes, old age and life gone by. I have so much worry and concern for people that I love...

To you all in need of prayers, they are being said! I have been so wonderfully surprised by the amount of prayer given on the behalf of those in need. I don't know why it surprises me, people really come through. My husband has been such a good example to me of the opportunities to serve through fasting and praying. He has taken opportunities to fast for family as well as friends and he does it with such a sweet heart.

Prayers are being answered. Blessing are being given. Even in the darkness, light comes through. We have to keep hopeing and having incredible faith sometimes, and it may seem like forever, but it will come. The light is there.

I love you all who struggle through your days. You are examples to me of great stregnth!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Riverside Prep!!!

You know how cool it is to have all your kids attending the same school? Pretty cool! This happened once when I had two in middle school and one in elementary. Never thought it'd happen again! But Holy Canoly... it has! And I am glad! "Clara" (as she is refered to at school) and Brodric started at Riverside Prep today, Carter started there three weeks ago at the beginning of this School year and Kendahl attended there last year, so there you go, we're all in!

I feel a bit guilty though. I thought the trouble would come with Carter because he knew all summer that he would be attending this significantly smaller school. He was not too pleased. But from day one he has shown enthusiasum toward the school and everything else. *sigh*

Today seemed to go well getting the younger two in. One in fifth and one in first. The first grade teacher is a girl that I've watched grow up in our current ward, so I knew her and was super excited about her being Brodric's teacher. She's young but she's sweet. It's her fourth year teaching and I am hoping all goes well.

My first pangs of hesitation came tonight while I was putting Clara Baillie to bed... the tears started to flow and she was having a rough time. She was never totally on board with this whole "changing schools" idea because she has lots of friends at her other school and she has really come into her own in showing her cool personality and being able to be her fun, goofy self. Tonight she began sharing her sadness of leaving her friends and the lonliness she felt today not knowing a soul at the school (except her cousin who already has a group of good friends there.) I felt so bad for her. She said, "mom, there was one girl that looked like my other friend and I got excited, but then when she turned around I remembered it wasn't her and I was sad." and then, "I know EVERYONE at Rio Vista, all the teachers and everyone." I found myself questioning the decision... I hope I did the right thing and that I didn't pull her out at a critical time... Don't we always second guess as mothers? Next year she would of been at this school anyway, so she will have to adjust some time, but I just worry for her. After spending a while listening to her and letting her know how confident I am in her ability to make new friends and be able to show who she "really is", I suggested to her that if by tomorrow she isn't feeling better maybe she can ask for a blessing from dad. That seemed to help her feel better and she went to sleep more calm and I hope ready for tomorrow.

Since the kids are getting out of school later than usual and our time together is going to be cut short each evening, I tried really hard tonight to spend time with them from the time I picked them up until they were asleep. We played "ha" (remember that?) and told silly jokes for FHE... Everyone but Brodric got into it. This is us on the floor having a good time!

Here's hopeing that all goes well tomorrow...

(Brodric was being a stinker and didn't want to be in the picture... but after a good camera chase I got him anyway!!!)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to it... Our time in Nauvoo

I've had a few people remind me that I never finished blogging the trip... I knew it would happen. I knew that if I didn't do it while we were there it wouldn't get done, but dang it, I was just too tired! Now weeks later Im sure I will use less words to desciribe the experience, but hopefully the pictures and spirit will speak for it's self...

Nauvoo is just WONDERFUL. I can't believe I didn't know it before. President Hinckley said it and I will repeat something that sounds like what he said (because I can't remember the exact quote), "Everyone sould go to Nauvoo!!!" It is a special place with a spirit about it that I have never before felt. I feel like I know the people who experienced the hard ships so well. I feel like I understand a tiny bit of their trials. I feel like we are more like kin that ever before. It gave me a connection I didn't know I would find or enjoy!

There are so many things to do and see there that even if you couldn't make it to see the pagent you wouldn't even know there was anything you missed! They keep you busy with all kinds of wonderful entertainment and things to do and see! It was a great experience to be there with our kids and to see them enjoy it so much. Kendahl did love the pagent and went two nights in a row and then begged to go the third night.

We enjoyed a three mile trek like the pioneers took with the hand cart. We were blessed because I guess we had it easy. It hadn't rained in days, so there was no mud to speak of, which I take it is not always the case. There were dried up ruts and I could tell that if there had been rain it would of been a much different experience. But we did the whole three miles and enjoyed while we traveled along! Along the path you read stories and events that the saints had to endure while on their journey to the the Salt Lake Valley. It was tender and brought their struggles more to light. And then there were SO many more experiences just as amazing.

Oh I think I could go on and on, but the main thing that I want to portray is that there are others before us who were devoted saints and lived and died for a church and a prophet that they believed in so fully that they were willing to give of their lives to continue in the work of our Heavenly Father. I felt their testimonies in Nauvoo and I felt of the faith they had! I feel blessed to be able to have had the opportunity to get that glimpse of their lives and know and feel even a small part of their testimonies!

I don't think I have been able to put in words the things that are in my heart, but those who have studied Church History and know the stories better than I do would understand. I am NO historian and not even a good story teller, so I am not really a good one to get any good information from. Sorry about that, I guess you'll just have to find a way to go and experience Nauvoo for yourself!

Here's some of the fun stuff. Before one of the shows they had a little parade the kids could participate in. Carter joined in even though he was techinally to old. He is an awesome kid!

The National Anthem

More games.

Scott won the stick pull but Brodric got the kiss!!!

This was the trek we took. It wasn't all fun and games, some parts were tough. But we all loved it.

The Nauvoo Temple, it's beautiful!

Us at the Temple.

This is the end of Parley Street or what they call the Trail of Tears. This is the point where the pioneers either crossed the river by ferry or some crossed on frozen ice when the river miraculusly froze overnight. It was a miracle. This was a beautiful trail to walk and read exerpts from journals of the pioneer explaining their hardships. It was a really special time for us as a family as we read thier writings and walked down to the river.

Finally I wanted to add a bit about Carthage Jail. This is where the Prophet Joseph Smith was martered. He was shot through the window and fell to his death. The holes in the door were as the mobsters were shooting into the room where the Prophet and several other men were being held. It was another place where the Spirit was felt so strongly as we sat and experienced the place that the Prophet Joseph died. These are the actual bullet holes in the door.

The window looks so peaceful now. Not so much then...

Us standing outside the window where the Prophet Joseph Smith died.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

missing you, enjoying God's creative beauty

I haven't been able to blog NAUVOO yet!!! I just could no longer do the late late nights to get it all in!

After traveling from one end of this country to the other I have to say that Heavenly Father has made such an amazing earth for us to borrow! What incredible beauty we have witnessed as we have traveled. Today we drove through Utah and I just LOVE the mountains from top to bottom!! Ending in St. George tonight, as we watched the sun set on the red rock mountains of southern Utah and I just couldn't get enough of them! I was driving so it was not to safe, but they are stunning!

Tomorrow we will be home and after I make sure all the kids are in school and happy I will get back into taking care of this little blog and posting the last pictures of our journey!!

Been missing blogging and missing everyone!!