Sunday, February 15, 2009

Disappointment and Progress

I was hoping that this post would be written tomorrow night and filled with pictures of us riding quads in the dunes! But... We didn't go to the dunes. I was sad because for once I wanted to go sit in the sand and watch people ride, but due to the sickness that has ravaged Scott and I we weren't able to finish the things that needed to be done in order to go. We gave it valient effort, but it wasn't meant to be.
(this is Brodric after we told him we weren't going... he was watching TV with the helmet on, wishing... cute, cute)

So instead I'll put pictures of the progress of our addition. That will hopefully sufice! It's exciting and although it seems to be moving slower than I expected, I'm just happy it's moving at all!

At first we weren't going to do anything to the nook area, but then we decided to take it out and square it off! I'm so glad we did.

Look at that cute pantry door! I love it... is it normal to love a door? I love my new front door too, and my new french doors! You'll see those later I guess!

In this one (above) you can see the new concrete poured to change the nook. The wall into the kitchen is a temporary wall so we could have the house opened up while not disturbing the kitchen much... So, yes, the kitchen is tiny in the house and the dining table is in the livingroom!

The first two stages of stucco will be done now and the color coat will be done on the entire house near the end of the entire project.

This is our bathroom/closet. It is becoming one big bathroom! Yay, that is exciting!! It will be great! Rip that lanolium out, tear those ugly tiles down!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

25 Random THINGS

This was a Face Book thing but I am aparently computer lame, because I don't think I did it right. I thought that I spent so much time thinking that I should at least post it on here...

Now remember, this is all the good stuff. I've since thought of a few trials that would be noteworthy of putting on here, but on a blog everything is bright and shiney. So, today you won't hear of the trials, just know that there are trials that are "random" in my life and as I struggle with them, hopefully I become better... That's how it should be!

Now, 25 things!

1. My “real” name is Billie Marie Thomas Noh. I got the “Billie” part from my grandma whose name is Willowean. She hates that name. A few weeks ago at 93 years old she just went down to the bank to change their records to “Billie” so she didn’t have to sign her checks with the Willowean any more! I love the name Billie and I love Billie Sr. (grandma)!
2. I’ve been a wife for 17 years 21 days. I’ve been a mom for 16 years 3 months and 5 days and I have four amazing kids.
3. I love being at the beach sitting with my feet in the sand, or walking in the shallow waves.
4. I live in a little basic house that we have been working on to make it our castle. Most of the big stuff is nearly done, but we still have so many projects to do we will probably be working on it the rest of our lives.
5. I can not wait till our remodel is done and I have a kitchen without mold and with awesome appliances all purchased on ebay!
6. I love living in California except the political “californianess” of it.
7. I have awesome sister friends.
8. I never get sick! Except for yesterday and today because I have the flu…
9. I like to have my hands in dirt and I mess around with gardening sometimes. It makes me smile when things start to grow.
10. I love most ALL kinds of music, and I really like the new jazzy sound coming from these young artists. 
11. I like the evil TV. I like my shows.
12. I don’t love animals but I allow 2 cats, 3 fish, one lizard and a bunch of crickets (lizard food) in our home, and when the boy cat sprays I get super mad.
13. I like to stay up late at night. It’s my time.
14. I like getting up early in the morning and going outside to the garden or to just sit and enjoy the morning…sometimes.
15. I don’t get enough sleep!!! I always need more sleep.
16. Scrapbooking sounded neat so I’ve spent tons of money on all that crafty stuff over the years, but I never use it!
17. I love being in the mountains at the cabin and just relaxing, baking, breathing good air and doing basically nothing.
18. I’ve been to lots of places in the United States, I like to travel.
19. I do NOT like flying. My husband does though. Enough that he bought himself a para-glider and he jumps off mountains. He’s crazy like that.
20. I’m pretty good at bookkeeping and managing an office, but I don’t like working so I hire someone else to do it.
21. I love photography and I want SO bad to learn everything about it! For Christmas I got a good Nikon camera… I need lessons. I also need photo-shop lessons! Anyone? Anyone?
22. I love to give massages to people. I love the connectivity of it! (is connectivity a word?) I also want to go to school and learn all about why what I’m doing feels good! Some day I’m going to! My husband gives the best massages ever!!! Better than anyone. He is amazing!
23. I reeeeeeally want to learn to play the guitar! I better start some lessons for something, there is too much I want to learn to do!
24. I like blogging; it’s a new hobby that makes me smile!
25. I have a good life, I am blessed!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I stole some time!

I decided not to go into work this morning... I left the "new" bookkeeper to fend for herself for just a few hours. (She's doing great, so no worries!!) I thought I'd share some pictures from the past two weeks!
I've been working and trying to hire a part time bookkeeper and a full time receptionist/marketing assistant. So that's how we are going. It has been crazy trying to fill the position that so many great employees have filled over the years. I've done it off and on as needed for the whole time we've been in ServiceMaster so I sorta know what I'm doing, but I haven't done it for the past 4 years and there were things to re-learn and things I don't want to learn so I left it to others, but it's been fun getting back in there... Ok, my feet are wet! I ready to be home more! This full time thing is for the birds!

Scott has been comeing home some days to be "Mr. Mom". He's a great stay at home dad! He cleans, cooks, works and sometimes plays! Maybe I should stay at work! Just kidding, he probably doesn't love it!

Carter had a birthday mid Jan. I haven't had a good post since then, so I better show you what he got... I bought it... I don't know what it is, but he loves it! He also got a keyboard that he LOVES too. He is an amazing kid! I can't believe he's 13.

He had some friends over, they went bowling and they played video games of course, what else do you do when you are a boy? Oh, and Scott took them to 31 Flavors... is that the right place? I think os... He had a good time!

And this is the latest news at our house! The remodel has begun!! They said 4 weeks, but I bet it's more like 6-8 weeks! Kitchen, master bath, front facade, front door/entry and a few other things. The whole house will be restuccoed and it will all look brand new! Yipee! It's exciting to me and I can't wait for it to be done! When it is I'll put before and after pictures.

K, if I don't get into work I am goning to be in big trouble... Or at least I may have a bookkeeper who is super bored! I would love to blog more! It's hard to be clever when I am under a time pressuer! :)