Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I stole some time!

I decided not to go into work this morning... I left the "new" bookkeeper to fend for herself for just a few hours. (She's doing great, so no worries!!) I thought I'd share some pictures from the past two weeks!
I've been working and trying to hire a part time bookkeeper and a full time receptionist/marketing assistant. So that's how we are going. It has been crazy trying to fill the position that so many great employees have filled over the years. I've done it off and on as needed for the whole time we've been in ServiceMaster so I sorta know what I'm doing, but I haven't done it for the past 4 years and there were things to re-learn and things I don't want to learn so I left it to others, but it's been fun getting back in there... Ok, my feet are wet! I ready to be home more! This full time thing is for the birds!

Scott has been comeing home some days to be "Mr. Mom". He's a great stay at home dad! He cleans, cooks, works and sometimes plays! Maybe I should stay at work! Just kidding, he probably doesn't love it!

Carter had a birthday mid Jan. I haven't had a good post since then, so I better show you what he got... I bought it... I don't know what it is, but he loves it! He also got a keyboard that he LOVES too. He is an amazing kid! I can't believe he's 13.

He had some friends over, they went bowling and they played video games of course, what else do you do when you are a boy? Oh, and Scott took them to 31 Flavors... is that the right place? I think os... He had a good time!

And this is the latest news at our house! The remodel has begun!! They said 4 weeks, but I bet it's more like 6-8 weeks! Kitchen, master bath, front facade, front door/entry and a few other things. The whole house will be restuccoed and it will all look brand new! Yipee! It's exciting to me and I can't wait for it to be done! When it is I'll put before and after pictures.

K, if I don't get into work I am goning to be in big trouble... Or at least I may have a bookkeeper who is super bored! I would love to blog more! It's hard to be clever when I am under a time pressuer! :)


Stephanie said...

K i'm so happy to see some picutres and hear from you! I feel like we havent had a good talk for ages, I miss you!

I'm glad you got a new office girl. I'm so freakin excited for your kitchen etc to get started, and even more excited for it to be done! Definatly want to see pictures.

Washington Tacoma Mission said...

This is the first time Mom and I have been gone at Carter's birthday. We mis all of you so much.
We are also missing the remodel. I guess the mission is worth it, but sometimes even "od" people can get homesick.


Rosalyn Francis said...

hey girl...

I really enjoyed your post! I don't know just fun and life and stuff. I especially loved the 31 flavors part. Not that you went for you guy's birthday (except that I LOVE to go), but that you called it 31 flavors. It will always be 32 flavors (remember the one on Main with the white bubble lights around the 31?) to me... this artsy Baskin Robbins stuff just takes the childhood fun out it!

Rosalyn Francis said...

AND your ice cream thing got me going on my 25 randoms... =)