Friday, February 19, 2010


Appropriate picture since I feel like I have been racing through my week!

I never really got that saying, "Thank goodness it's Friday". But today I got it. I worked this week nearly 8 hours a day. Heavens knows I don't like it! I certainly don't want to work, but sometimes it's just what you have to do. Sometimes I just have to do it too!

Things at ServiceMaster are changing quickly it seems. This week Tracy (our bookkeeper) let me know she is going to be done. She's moving to Tennessee soon and I knew was coming, but just didn't know when. I guess I can be glad she didn't leave me during Christmas or New Years! So now I am trying to learn all the little things I don't know so I can take over for her for a while. I will eventually hire another person, but I'll do it for a while. (But only as long as I can stand it!)

We are growing our company all the time and with growth comes lots of different kinds of growing pains. I'm feeling them! Money crunches, employee training, hiring, law suits, and all other kinds of fun stuff! I really shouldn't complain because I am just happy to have a business that is growing and able to help people in need and help families have jobs to count on! It really is a blessing to a lot of people! I'm gonna post that on my mirror this month as I try to drag my butt to work every day and be happy and help others around me be happy too!!

Oh, I'm glad I wrote this blog tonight!!! I am grateful and I am going to take that from this blog! Not to be tired and complaining about the last week, but being grateful for the jobs we have and can provide!!! It's really, really a blessing!

Ok, happy happy weekend everyone! Have a good one and get ready for Monday!! :-)


Tracy said...

I'm so going to miss you when we finally move!! Here I am in Tennessee reading your blog already missing the people I have grown to love. Hugs and complain all you want as long as at the end you realize just how truly blessed you are. ;)

Washington Tacoma Mission said...

I am proud of what you are accomplishing with the business. If I was still there it would still be the same. A business needs to grow to stay alive. It is a lot of work and responsibility, but you are up to it. I love you all so much and am happy that you are doing so well.

Nettie said...

It seems like you have to hire a lot. You are the perfect person to own a business. I could have told you that when we were kids. You're such a smarty and so good at the people part too. I'd work for you!