Sunday, February 13, 2011

I know the scriptures are true.

In Primary we are learning about the scriptures. The kids have been challenged to read their scriptures as many times in the week as possible.  In the past it's been a struggle for us as a family to find a time to read.  The older kids are off to seminary at such an early hour in the morning, that didn't work, and then in the evenings everyone is going their own way, that hasn't worked either.  But for the past couple of months, the young ones have pushed us to do it.  The desires of our children to do what is right is amazing to me!  They are such a good examle to me.  They truely want to do what is right.

We aren't perfect, but we are doing much better!  Several times a week we have opened the scriptures and read them in our home.  Sometimes it is just the two younger children who read with mom and dad, sometimes we get the older ones to participate too.  But whom ever is there, they are getting spiritually fed.  That makes me happy!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Spiritual progress and blog progress!! You are doing so well!! Hugs, have a happy valentines day and that someone in Tennessee, loves and misses you. ;)