Friday, June 17, 2011

Bearizona Fun!

As promised, a few pictures from the Bearizona trip. I wish it was sooner, but the internet wasn't too quick at the cabin and it was driving me nuts!  Bearizona is a Zoo/Wild Animal park in Williams. It is about two years old. You drive a 3 mile loop and see all kinds of neat animals up close and personal. Then they have exhibits that are like a zoo and the baby animals are in pins. And they also have a petting zoo. It was really neat!

These are white bison. the picture is not good as it was taken through the window. But they were huge and pretty cool. In the petting zoo part there was a baby white bison that looked like a tiny little cow. But it is going to grow up to be huge like these guys!  So cute!
These are the crazy bears!! We probably saw 5 or so more than this. It was eating time so they were pretty active. They gave us a show and a couple of them started a little fight. It was pretty cool and scary! 
The baby bears were the coolest!!  They were rambunctious and fun to watch! We watched them for quite a while. At eating time they were playful with the worker and tried to take her buckets, climb her legs and all kinds of stuff.  This picture was cool cause that little guy is on his hind legs begging.
And this was so fun. These little guys got way high up in a tiny tree and played around. It was swaying back and forth and they didn't seem to care at all. Sooo cute!

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