Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Here We Go

It's time I guess. I'm just going to get it out there. There comes a time in every large person's life when you have to look at really tough things. Well, I've been looking, and I've come to the decision that I am going to have gastric bypass surgery. I know, I know, everyone has an opinion about the idea, and that's ok. I'm even open to you sharing if you'd like. And I hope that there is a time I can share all my thought processes and reasonings right back.

It took a lot of time, education, hurt, and health for me to come to the decision. But I have gotten there, and I'm excited!! I am not nervous or afraid. I only have high hopes for the process. I do not expect this to be an "easy way out", neither do I expect the out come to be particularly pretty. But I hope for a long healthy life! I hope for energy and enthusiasm. I hope for an all around positive, difficult, awesome, scary, hard, great outcome!

Now, bummer that haven't blogged in a while and this is all you are getting, but, this is all you are getting. Tomorrow maybe I'll go back to telling you how great my kids are and shareing all the cool things they are doing again. But for today it's about me and life changing, drastic, necessary decisions.

Smiles everyone! (Remember that guy from Fantasy Island?) :)


Tracy said...

Happy that you have made the HARD decision and are at peace with it. Prayers for successful surgery and an even better outcome. Hugs.

Billie said...

Thanks Tracy!