Friday, April 18, 2008

Me and Him

This is Scott and I at the "Mormon Prom" last weekend, being chaperones. We got our picture taken like the kids did... We have to have a "Mormon Prom" here because the school prom's are too out of control to attend!!! Scarry huh. But it turned out SO cute! Scott was the muscles behind the decorating party. He was the only person in the Stake YM Presidency who helped set up all day long last Saturday! The Stake YW Presidency now loves him!!! They think he is the best!
Just sharing a pict. of US.


Stephanie said...

You guys are the cutest! I love that picture, and how fun that you got to chaperone. I tried calling you last night after you emailed me but no answer, so we'll do it today or something!

Nettie said...

That's really cool. I love it when we (mormon's) compensate in bahalf of our youth, instead of having their only options be -- miss out on important teen experiences or compromise your standards and be in the "in" crowd. What a great idea to have a Mormon Prom. Scott is the greatest.