I seriously want your help!
I'm having signs and symptoms of diabetes... shocker, right?! Well actually, my doctor told me I was "pre-diabetic" a few months back and gave me a blood sugar tester. I'm telling you now, I pretty much have diabetes. My blood sugars are way off the beaten path! I mean they aren't even close to where they should be. So... in trying to be real with myself, I'm going to make the effort. Tonight I was searching for websites that gave ideas or recipes for low carb options. None of them look very yummy. But I'm going to try to do it anyway, because at this point I'm thinking I really need to.
So... If anyone who reads this blog has any ideas or recipes for me, I'm open to hearing and trying!!! Please share. For now I'm going to take it one meal at a time and try to plan a little ahead so that I have something to eat at work as well.
: / I hope I can get through breakfast tomorrow.
2/19/16 Sisters- Posted by Emma
3 years ago
Buy books on Atkins, they even have cookbooks. Atkins is all NO CARBS. So their recipes will all work for you. Worth the money. Goodluck. Does this mean no surgery?
So sorry!
Honestly I have learned a ton w/Cory and I both having diabetes...I know I'll sound like a hypocrite cuz I'm not good at following through, but i'll share what i know and you can do with it what you wish. the best thing to do is follow the word of wisdom...moderation!! Having no carbs causes your body to try to find energy elsewhere which makes you crave sugary things and deprives you in turn causing you to feel neglected. (I know your brain). You need carbs, the best thing to do is just watch portions...if you were to go to a nutrionist it would probably help a lot. Also remember back when you were prego w/brodge, you did pretty good then! Best advice, moderation, and dont deprive, even give yourself a treat from time to time...K i'm done I think.
Tracy, totally still having surgery, but even with that I have to change eating habits and brain thoughts... SO hard.
You're right Steph. Moderation is good. The problem I/we seem to face is if I have one roll we have to have 8. And if I have one cookie I want the whole batch. And if I have jelly beans, 6 is never enough. Once again, it's tough!
But better with people like you all beside me!! :)
Oh, Tracy, I have a meeting with my surgeon in two weeks. After that I don't know how long. Dang Tracy, how long has it been since I decided to do this thing??
But until I do the surgery thing I have to do something for the high blood sugars.
Ok, I suggested Atkins because a nutrionist recently recommended it to me. With the onset of menopause, our bodies change and it becomes tougher and tougher to burn calories. She said you can reset your metabolism by remove all carbs for a 2-4 week interval. Then when you start back with them, only partake of complex ones. NO WHITE FLOUR OR SUGAR. White is bad, really bad. I have found that I have to give up diet soda for all the reasons you are hearing about on the news lately. I gave them up once before and I found my sugar urges went away, why I went back to it is anyone's guess. Try the atkins, it won't hurt, but it very well could WORK! I can't do portion sizes of candy or some carbs things (brownies, etc). If I take one and have access to more, I will consume til they are gone. UGH, but true.
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