Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome Home

Well, we're home! Got home yesterday afternoon to really happy kids and awesome grandparents! We were exhausted from not sleeping much the night before, packing, blogging, etc. So we went to bed at 7:30 in anticipation of the week ahead.

This morning I find myself alone for the first time in 4 weeks! I like my mornings alone to exercise and get a few things done. This morning as I was picking up a bit I came across lemons my friend from Mesa gave me. She had two trees packed with lemons, so I thankfully took a bunch! Some of them were wilting so I figured I better do something with them! I juiced over half of them and now I have beautiful lemon juice that I am going to try to make something with! Doesn't that look yummy?! 

Looking forward to the week ahead! I made some goals for myself last week while I was relaxing. Now, if I can just not let myself down!! :)  Happy Week!


Stacy said...

Hi Billie,

I just took a quick look at your Blog. It looks awesome! Marci told me how great you are doing, losing weight and feeling great! Congratulations on achieving your goals! You look great and happy! Thanks for sharing, it looks like you had a fun time on your trip! I think it is awesome that you and Scott took time to get away. Something that is so needed in marriages! Congratulations on your 20 years together, something now rare in our modern society.

Take care,
Stacy :)

Stacy said...

Hi Billie,

I just took a quick look at your Blog. It looks awesome! Marci told me how great you are doing, losing weight and feeling great! Congratulations on achieving your goals! You look great and happy! Thanks for sharing, it looks like you had a fun time on your trip! I think it is awesome that you and Scott took time to get away. Something that is so needed in marriages! Congratulations on your 20 years together, something now rare in our modern society.

Take care,
Stacy :)

Stacy said...

sorry for the double message. :)