Sunday, January 16, 2011

Beauty and the Beast

Ok, so he's not a beast, but it sounded so cute with beauties! :) This is Brick in his first basket ball game ever. Once he did it when he was 3, but only if I held him. Last week was first team game, he wouldn't get out on the court. Anyway, look at that smile!! He was so happy, energetic, bouncy! He had a great time. They didn't win, but it didn't matter. He has potential too! I think he'll do great!! this is a shot during practice. He made tons of them.

And these, my dear friends, are the beauties!! Aren't they?
This is Ba and Nat. And the one in white is their teacher, Miss Evans. Now known as Mrs. King. The girls were sooo excited to get all spiffed up and go to the reception. They had a blast prancing around that place too. And I loved taking pictures of them because they were so beautiful. One day my own little daughter is going to be in the white dress. I can't even believe it!

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