Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When opportunity knocks...

After my big driving trip to ID and UT you'd think I wouldn't want to go anywhere for a while, but Monday my husband said he had to go to Tempe, AZ to get some chemicals we had to have at work. And you know what I did? I said, "Let me go!!!" Of course, right? Because you know who is there? Yes! My baby, and my grandma!! I'd jump at the chance to be with them for a while! And I did!! So the last 24 hours or so I was in AZ. It was only an additional 12 hours of driving. :) And I loved it. I'm so blessed with great friends and family.


Stephanie said...

And me! Loved spending time w/you! and so glad you Love "your baby" cuz she misses you!

Billie said...

Totally "and you"!!! But I couldn't start nameing names cuz I might get in trouble. We'll keep the good stuff just between us. :)