I had a nice day and my children and husband were very gracious. I got lots of neat little gifts and food cooked for me and lots of hugs and kisses. Our Sacrament meeting was great, the Bishop's wife spoke on the divine nature of women. It was one of the best talks I have heard in a long time. Awesome meeting. I have so many great women in my life and I am so grateful for them.
It was a busy and really good week.
The boys went on a fathers and sons outing and really enjoyed their time there! In our Stake thats what they do... father and sons outing on Mothers day weekend. Imaging that. It must be planned by men. Here's some pictures of the festivities. Notice the "No Trespassing" sign in the back!
Brodric decided he'd try the water, but he was "freezing!"
Kendahl had an exciting weekend. She started a 3 day workshop with Young Americans on Thursday. They are a group based out of Southern CA like the Young Ambassadors. They travel around the world like YA. They come to schools to do workshops and they always stop in Apple Valley. Apparently they have some roots here.
Anyway, she had a wonderful time. There were some solo's and she got picked to sing in a quartet. She has a good voice. At the end of the weekend they did a 2+ hour preformance. I wish I could put some video on here and if Scott can figure out how to do it I may, so check back to see if I have added video. Here are a few picts of the performance on Saturday.
The last news of the weekend was that I broke my diet Dr. Pepper drout on the 22nd day! Saturday was a diet Dr. Pepper kind of a day! It was SOOO good!!! It was just like we had never left each other! I had to have it, but I'm going to go another 21 days!
Have a great week all!!
Happy Mother's Day, Billie Boy. I'm glad you had a good day! Our meetings were okay...nothing special. I would have liked to have heard the talk given in your ward.
I want to hear Kendahl sing!!!!
Netty, I got stories from the talk because they were so good. I will find them on the internet and send them to you! You might cry though. Baillie loves to point out when I cry, so I'll point it out to you now, that you will!
Love you Netty!
K i'm really mad that my post didnt post. So what I said was that I love that the boys had fun, even if they were tresspassing. And I think Kendahl is great, I love that she is so confident and goes after what she wants. She is amazing! Love you
Oh ya and i'm glad you had a great mothers day, and sorry i didnt call you, I thought about you all day!
Billie you have a {really} cute family & {really} cute blog. (:
DDP every so oft won't hurt anything...(: You're awesome!!!
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