Notice the title didn't say, "Week in Pictures". That's cause I don't have any for this post... But I wanted to get off that Mother's Day post... something else to read would be nice!
Obviously there wasn't anything eventful enough to take pictures of this week. Actually there were two very eventful things happen in Scott's family, On Sunday, (Mother's day) his grandmother died. She was 2 weeks from being 90. She was in a home and not doing very well, so it was not unexpected, but still nothing like that is easy. Scott and Kendahl left on Wednesday to drive to Salmon, Idaho to be with the family for the funeral. Scott has been able to spend some time with family that he never sees, so that has been nice. His older brother lives in Salmon and they got to take some walks together and have time to talk. That never happens, so it was good for him. There was other family around to visit and Scott always love just being in Salmon and reminiscing about the childhood days!
The other eventful thing is that Scott's parents finally got their mission call!! They are going to Tacoma, Washington to work in the mission home there! They have two daughters and two granddaughters who live just minutes from there, so that will be great to be with them. They had kinda said they would like to be in the pacific northwest, but they didn't realize that it would be quite so close the the girls. We are so excited for them. I got to open their mission call (which came to California while they were in Idaho) and read it to them while other family members sat nearby on both ends of the call. It was pretty cool. I got choked up and kept having "technical difficulty" with my reading abilities due to cracking voice and tears, but it was still very cool. I am so happy they are going on a mission and the example it will be for our kids! I don't think there is a better example than that! We are grateful for them!
So on to the rest of the week. We got the heat wave like most of you did I'm sure, so I am dying right now. We are getting concrete poured tomorrow on our garage, so the place the air conditioning was sitting will be new concrete, so they came Thursday and unhooked our AC! And to make matters worse, the swamp cooler isn't working, I don't know why, but it's not good! Hopefully Scott will come home tomorrow and save the day when he fixes the swamp cooler! I'm waiting, patiently...
My garden is looking good, I'll have to take a picture of it tomorrow. I have corn that's about 5 inches tall. That may be a fish story, it may only be 4 inches tall, but either way, I'm just surprised it is growing at all. Everything has come up in the garden now. Cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, onions, garlic, beets corn, egg plant, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe and sunflowers. I think that is all. I could of missed something though. I love having a garden. Every day when I go out there it makes me so happy. If it never produces anything, just watching the growth will be joy enough. (I hope it grows something we can eat or it may not really make me very joyful!) Pictures to come soon, I promise.
Well, besides cleaning up projects that will continue for me for a while yet, there's not much else to share. Honestly, if I wanted to go on forever, I could. I'm sure I could come up with lots of things to share, but then I may scare everyone away. So, I'll leave it at that and I'll put pictures of stuff on soon!
Have a great week everyone!
2/19/16 Sisters- Posted by Emma
3 years ago
Tell Scott that I'm sorry to hear about his grandma. I'm so glad that there is more evidence of people living long, full lives. It seems that Heavenly Father is collecting quite a gathering of young people on the other side. We need people like your grandma to stay here to teach us wisdom and humility. Not that I'm questioning God's plan, I just want everyone to live until they're old.
I'm glad Scott got to visit with his family. There's nothing like being out of town with no agenda, except to strengthen ties. That Scott is a great fellow. I sure love him.
How neat that you got to read your in-law's mission call to them! I got choked up reading about it!
I am jealous about your garden. I wish I knew how to do that better. I LOVE vegetables, especially fresh out of the garden. Wish I lived close enough to reap what you sew :o).
Can't wait to see picture's.
Yay for Jerry and Shirly. I am really happy they decided to go on a mission, really what a great example to your kids and everyone else. They are awsome and will do great.
I'm glad Scott and Kendahl got to go to the funeral and I'm glad that they are back safe and sound.
I way want to see pictures of the garden etc...
Love you
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