It's super early Thanksgiving morning and I am awake and in Arizona! Why I'm on the computer I don't know, but I am and I decided to be thankful!
First of all I'm thankful that we made it to Mesa tonight because the traffic was HORRIBLE and we drove 70% of the time in rain and sometimes heavy rain. The two don't mix well and make for bad driving conditions. So, GLAD TO BE HERE! To top it off I don't think any of the kids had seat belts on once the movie was over because they all laid on the seats for better resting conditions. Knowing that was the case I was super cautions until I got tired... then I was super sleepy and trying to be cautions! I didn't want to stop and let Scott drive because it was pouring by that time and I wanted to get there. We drove the entire 6 hours with NO stops! That's got to be a record with kids!! (I can do it by myself in 5 hours and no stops.)
K, another thing I am thankful for is those 5 people who accompanied me to Arizona! They are amazing. I am so lucky to be the mom of wonderful, smart, talented, beautiful children!!! (I'm also lucky to have my sanity with such demanding, whiny, argumentative children!) No, seriously, my kids are great! And Scott??? how did I pull that one off? Who knew I would marry a guy like Scott? He totally loves me (that takes patience I'm sure!). He is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He would give his right shoe to someone if they needed it, and his left one to them even if they didn't need it. He has tons of integrity and is really a wonderful person.
I am thankful for our home that is constantly a work in progress. It has been fun adding new things on to it and working on it, (even though it is getting old..) and someday when it's done it will be even greater! I love living in Apple Valley that's a blessing too.
I am thankful for my friends. I have been made so aware lately of just how blessed I am to have some truly special people in my life who look after me and love me. Oh there is so much that could be said about that, but I will save that for another day. I'm just grateful to have good friends.
One of the most special people in my life is my grandma and I am truly blessed to have her in my life. She and I have had the great opportunity to spend time together the past couple of years and I almost feel guilty for it because it is so wonderful for me! They say that things that you love are usually bad for you or a sin? Well this 'good thing' isn't! She is amazing for me and it fills me up to be around her!
I'm thankful for kindergarten because the parties make for great photo op's! Like the Thanksgiving feast we attended today, (which was really yesterday, but I haven't been to bed yet.) I'll get one or two and post them for the holiday, I'm too tired now to go find them!
Well, I could go on and on, but it's 3:21 now and I am going to fall asleep right here in Stephanie's comfy chair! So I better get off of this computer! I have tons more that I'm thankful for, but I'll leave you in suspense.
Have a wonderful turkey day with your loved ones.
2/19/16 Sisters- Posted by Emma
3 years ago
wish we were there. We love and miss you. I am up at an unearthly hour and typing too... I never do either!
Thats sweet, Billie - I am thankful for most of those things too! (Kindergarden doesn't do much for me).
Iam thankful I have a daughter in law as good as you. You are a good mother and wife. We love you and miss you and hope you have a good Thanksgiving.
Love Dad Noh
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